Power in the Pandemic
How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the people we don't usually hear from? What solutions and leadership are emerging from the crisis? In each episode, we get a glimpse into the world that’s being created in the cracks of this crisis. We will hear from a range of individuals and social leaders, from migrant labourers to trans youth mobilizing in their communities, to humanitarian workers. Join us as we hear the experiences and responses of those living through this pandemic who are already facing inequalities and injustices daily.Follow Power Shifts on Instagram and check out the blogs: https://www.instagram.com/powershiftsproject | https://oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/category/power-shifts/
Power in the Pandemic
Where is the power in the pandemic?
You’re listening to the first episode of Power in the Pandemic. Before we share the voices we are capturing from across the world about their experiences of the coronavirus, we explore the role power plays during this crisis.
In this introductory episode, we consider how the coronavirus has made us rethink power structures. We hear from David Mwambari about a Post-Corona, Pan-African vision and why now is the time to decolonise. We also consider the effects of the virus on social movements and narratives.
Stay tuned to hear powerful stories amid this pandemic.
Check out the full articles below and visit the Power Shifts page and Views and Voices.