Power in the Pandemic
Power in the Pandemic
Featured Voice: Duoi talks to farmers about Coronavirus in the Philippines
Duoi takes us out to visit farmers on the Midpulo Unified Agriculture Cooperative to explore how the coronavirus pandemic has affected food systems and farming in the Philippines.
Power in the Pandemic brings you this week's featured voice: Duoi Ampilan, from Mindanao island in the Philippines.
Duoi has been focusing his efforts on changing up food systems to ensure food security at the local level. This is done through the promotion of organic agriculture among small scale farmer. How has the coronavirus pandemic affected these efforts?
In this episode, you'll hear from Duoi, Amiruddin Gani, Ramla Gani and Pabi Gani. They share some of the issues they're facing as coronavirus has hit during the middle of their dry season, making it much more difficult to sell their produce.
We'll also hear about the benefits of organic farming, especially during this critical time.
Find out more about Midpulo Unified Agriculture Cooperative on their facebook page.
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